One of the major challenges during these trying times has been being aware our staff’s needs and acknowledging their role during this Pandemic. As Physicians having to deal with multiple issues it is easy to lose sight of those who support us (our Staff) as we care for the Community. We can forget that they too are dealing with several challenges and need support.
These fears maybe Financial- of being furloughed, hours being cut or even worse being let go. There maybe added financial burdens of paying for Child Care with the school closures, or loss of Income as other Partners at home may have their jobs cut.
Fears of added Time Commitments- like having to leave the office to get necessities for their homes or take time to help with Home Schooling et.
So have made recognizing the needs of our Office Family has been one of our priorities.
At the onset of the Pandemic we had a full Office/organizational Meeting where we addressed several of these issues. Staff was assured that Hours and Payroll were going to be maintained.Emergency Funds were made available to offset unexpected added expenses like child care. Schooling and Child care were discussed and several innovative solutions were addressed and implemented.
We have continually encouraged an environment of mutual respect and shared need irrespective of whatever function an employee has in the office. “Please” and “Thank You’s” are mandatory. Social needs are addressed with either regularly scheduled events like “Taco Tuesday” where we share a common meal and interact as colleagues and where I am usually teased; or impromptu shared moments. These have maintained morale during these trying times.This has resulted in a caring environment patients and staff.
We have become more cohesive as an organization by having a shared purpose of being in this together
I am confident that we will emerge from this stronger as we have learned to depend on each other and ourselves. This is our silver lining!
Stay Healthy and Safe
SaeedVery good points .
Let us keep them coming.Was fortunately able to keep all staff busy coordinating telehealth, follow-ups and rehearsing protocols to reopen. It’s a bit cagey at times as everyone jumps out of their shoes when a patient starts coughing in the room. There’s a flurry of excitement and a sense of concern for all. Fortunately thus far, as far as we can tell, there have been no patients with suspected covid in the office but fairly sure there will be soon enough. I’ve made it a point to make sure they were all recognized and were provided some extra remuneration in consideration of their efforts.
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