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  • Rohit DandiyaRohit Dandiya
    Post count: 3

    We have added this forum for us to exchange ideas and help each other with our experiences.
    As we move forward I believe this can become a great resource for all of us.
    I urge you to use this as a sounding board and the more we use it the more useful it will become for us.

    We are a large enough organization that it we can support such a forum, specially in these strange and unusual times when we need to stand together as a community to address and fight the challenges ahead of us.

    As things change for COVID and so will the expectations from us.This is a constantly changing scenario where we need to be at the cutting edge of what is going on. No one doctor can alone manage what is going on, the news and data is immense and can be overwhelming. Federal and state policies are changing on a weekly basis- There will be new treatments, soon(hopefully) there will be a vaccine and discussions about it, all of which can be addressed here.
    The possibilities of exchange of ideas are are endless. This is not just another place to log in, this will be a place for us to get new ideas and empower ourselves, so we can help our patients and provide them the best possible care.

    Rohit Dandiya, MD

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