I wanted to share my experiences with those who maybe interested in how they can adjust their office to make their patients and staff continue to be feel safe.
Well.. after speaking with quite a few specialists I realized that many were not seeing patients and many of their patients were going to urgent care for treatment and in return the urgent cares were doing TELEMEDICINE!! That’s crazy!!
The best advice I could give them is to reopen your office… lead.. make sure your patients see the safety measures you have in place and communicate daily with staff as things can change multiple times a day. It starts at the top. Many of them were fearful for themselves.
I suggested they stay on top of CDC guidelines and implement their own safety measures. I have been in touch with both the DOH and the Governor’s office and I was impressed that my concerns and suggestions were well received. I know many of us are in different areas of the county and we are observing different scenarios. But fear can be over come with communication. That is really what has worked for me.Reopening office(s)
Jupiter Internal Medicine/ Dr. Boss had a PPE/disinfecting training session with the staff.All our patients are told over the phone to wear a mask, if not, one will be provided. We have a staff member in the corridor to check the patient’s in. A mask will be provided if the patient does not have one, a none touch infrared thermometer is used to take their temperature. A questionnaire must be answered. The questionnaire asks if they have traveled? If so, where? Any cold symptoms? Cough? Fevers? Been exposed? The patient then signs the form. The patient even gets to keep the pen!
Currently, all URI symptoms are triaged before any appointments are made. Patients see our policies in place and they are comfortable coming back to the office.
In closing, we only have two providers in the office on each day. The other providers are home doing telemedicine visits through Healow/ECW.
We need to be open. Patients need us for other medical conditions.
Stay well!
Dawn White, CMOM, M.S.
Jupiter Internal Medicine
Office and Chronic Care Manager-
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Dawn White.
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