PBACO » All Posts https://pbaco.org/forums/feed/ Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:39:02 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.11 en-US https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/adapting-our-practices-as-florida-reopens/#post-8110 <![CDATA[Reply To: Adapting Our Practices As Florida Reopens]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/adapting-our-practices-as-florida-reopens/#post-8110 Wed, 03 Jun 2020 21:57:32 +0000 Dawn White Reopening office(s)
Jupiter Internal Medicine/ Dr. Boss had a PPE/disinfecting training session with the staff.

All our patients are told over the phone to wear a mask, if not, one will be provided. We have a staff member in the corridor to check the patient’s in. A mask will be provided if the patient does not have one, a none touch infrared thermometer is used to take their temperature. A questionnaire must be answered. The questionnaire asks if they have traveled? If so, where? Any cold symptoms? Cough? Fevers? Been exposed? The patient then signs the form. The patient even gets to keep the pen!

Currently, all URI symptoms are triaged before any appointments are made. Patients see our policies in place and they are comfortable coming back to the office.

In closing, we only have two providers in the office on each day. The other providers are home doing telemedicine visits through Healow/ECW.

We need to be open. Patients need us for other medical conditions.

Stay well!

Dawn White, CMOM, M.S.
Jupiter Internal Medicine
Office and Chronic Care Manager

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Dawn WhiteDawn White.
https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/remember-your-office-staff/#post-8109 <![CDATA[Reply To: Remember Your Office Staff!]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/remember-your-office-staff/#post-8109 Wed, 03 Jun 2020 02:07:29 +0000 Stuart Joseph Was fortunately able to keep all staff busy coordinating telehealth, follow-ups and rehearsing protocols to reopen. It’s a bit cagey at times as everyone jumps out of their shoes when a patient starts coughing in the room. There’s a flurry of excitement and a sense of concern for all. Fortunately thus far, as far as we can tell, there have been no patients with suspected covid in the office but fairly sure there will be soon enough. I’ve made it a point to make sure they were all recognized and were provided some extra remuneration in consideration of their efforts.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine-2/#post-8104 <![CDATA[Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine-2/#post-8104 Fri, 22 May 2020 16:28:55 +0000 Rohit Dandiya Doctors and staff, David Klebonis knows about Telemedicine more than anyone I know. If you have any questions, please ask here and I am sure he will be glad to help you. In any case Telemedicine is so important now and we all need to be experts in it. This is survival .

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/remember-your-office-staff/#post-8103 <![CDATA[Reply To: Remember Your Office Staff!]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/remember-your-office-staff/#post-8103 Fri, 22 May 2020 16:24:53 +0000 Rohit Dandiya Very good points .
Let us keep them coming.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/remember-your-office-staff/#post-8100 <![CDATA[Remember Your Office Staff!]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/remember-your-office-staff/#post-8100 Fri, 22 May 2020 13:27:22 +0000 saeed khan One of the major challenges during these trying times has been being aware our staff’s needs and acknowledging their role during this Pandemic. As Physicians having to deal with multiple issues it is easy to lose sight of those who support us (our Staff) as we care for the Community. We can forget that they too are dealing with several challenges and need support.

These fears maybe Financial- of being furloughed, hours being cut or even worse being let go. There maybe added financial burdens of paying for Child Care with the school closures, or loss of Income as other Partners at home may have their jobs cut.

Fears of added Time Commitments- like having to leave the office to get necessities for their homes or take time to help with Home Schooling et.

So have made recognizing the needs of our Office Family has been one of our priorities.

At the onset of the Pandemic we had a full Office/organizational Meeting where we addressed several of these issues. Staff was assured that Hours and Payroll were going to be maintained.Emergency Funds were made available to offset unexpected added expenses like child care. Schooling and Child care were discussed and several innovative solutions were addressed and implemented.

We have continually encouraged an environment of mutual respect and shared need irrespective of whatever function an employee has in the office. “Please” and “Thank You’s” are mandatory. Social needs are addressed with either regularly scheduled events like “Taco Tuesday” where we share a common meal and interact as colleagues and where I am usually teased; or impromptu shared moments. These have maintained morale during these trying times.This has resulted in a caring environment patients and staff.

We have become more cohesive as an organization by having a shared purpose of being in this together

I am confident that we will emerge from this stronger as we have learned to depend on each other and ourselves. This is our silver lining!

Stay Healthy and Safe

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/communication-is-key/#post-8099 <![CDATA[Reply To: Communication is key]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/communication-is-key/#post-8099 Fri, 22 May 2020 02:24:19 +0000 Anita Garib-Sankar Let me know if you need any help with PPEs. We have been seeing patients and doing telemedicine. Awesome idea we are bringing in patients one at a time. So total 6 people including staff in a 3000 square foot office.
At first it was rough but very smooth now. Telemedicine appts grouped together makes it a lot easier. Much respect to you Dr Salib.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/communication-is-key/#post-8097 <![CDATA[Communication is key]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/communication-is-key/#post-8097 Thu, 21 May 2020 23:53:38 +0000 Shady Salib Great idea
I think we can contribute, exchange ideas and Learn from each other.
I am Still doing telemedicine and it is going well.
I might open for few selected patients to be seen for the first few weeks (the ones I know are vulnerable and need to be seen) and do combined telemedicine and actual visits.
I will not keep more than one patient in the waiting room.
Will keep everyone posted on how it goes

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/let-us-use-it/#post-8096 <![CDATA[Let us use it]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/let-us-use-it/#post-8096 Thu, 21 May 2020 22:08:13 +0000 Rohit Dandiya Doctors,
We have added this forum for us to exchange ideas and help each other with our experiences.
As we move forward I believe this can become a great resource for all of us.
I urge you to use this as a sounding board and the more we use it the more useful it will become for us.

We are a large enough organization that it we can support such a forum, specially in these strange and unusual times when we need to stand together as a community to address and fight the challenges ahead of us.

As things change for COVID and so will the expectations from us.This is a constantly changing scenario where we need to be at the cutting edge of what is going on. No one doctor can alone manage what is going on, the news and data is immense and can be overwhelming. Federal and state policies are changing on a weekly basis- There will be new treatments, soon(hopefully) there will be a vaccine and discussions about it, all of which can be addressed here.
The possibilities of exchange of ideas are are endless. This is not just another place to log in, this will be a place for us to get new ideas and empower ourselves, so we can help our patients and provide them the best possible care.

Rohit Dandiya, MD

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/adapting-our-practices-as-florida-reopens/#post-8095 <![CDATA[Adapting Our Practices As Florida Reopens]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/adapting-our-practices-as-florida-reopens/#post-8095 Thu, 21 May 2020 22:07:49 +0000 Anita Garib-Sankar I wanted to share my experiences with those who maybe interested in how they can adjust their office to make their patients and staff continue to be feel safe.
Well.. after speaking with quite a few specialists I realized that many were not seeing patients and many of their patients were going to urgent care for treatment and in return the urgent cares were doing TELEMEDICINE!! That’s crazy!!
The best advice I could give them is to reopen your office… lead.. make sure your patients see the safety measures you have in place and communicate daily with staff as things can change multiple times a day. It starts at the top. Many of them were fearful for themselves.
I suggested they stay on top of CDC guidelines and implement their own safety measures. I have been in touch with both the DOH and the Governor’s office and I was impressed that my concerns and suggestions were well received. I know many of us are in different areas of the county and we are observing different scenarios. But fear can be over come with communication. That is really what has worked for me.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8094 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8094 Thu, 21 May 2020 17:23:16 +0000 David Klebonis Hi Amy,

I’m not familiar with any payers waiving co-insurance (offering full allowable) for TELEHEALTH, but I’ll reply with an update shortly.

Medicare is waiving co-insurance related to visits that administer or order testing (BELOW).

“Medicare will pay your full claim with no patient cost-sharing if you administer or order COVID-19 testing at that service.

These services are medical visits for evaluation and management when an outpatient provider orders or administers COVID-19 lab test U0001, U0002, or 87635.”

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8083 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8083 Thu, 14 May 2020 19:53:40 +0000 Amy Anderson Thank you for that!! That is a great resource.

Also, Dr. K says that he saw somewhere that all televisit and televideo visits that were performed and paid by each insurance, that we are NOT allowed to bill the patient for any copays, co-insurance or deductible.

I have found the Florida Blue guidelines on that and it clearly says “at the member’s current cost share cost.” Are they all doing that as well? Because he told me not to bill even deductibles due as per the EOB.

Thanks for your help!

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8081 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8081 Wed, 13 May 2020 19:30:38 +0000 David Klebonis Hi Amy,

Every payer and code is different and we can help. Below is a link to the commercial telehealth billing guide. Aetna does not appear to be paying for telehealth 99213, 99203 and Cigna wants a GQ modifier vs. the 95 that most other payers require.


Can you please e-mail us at [email protected] and we can troubleshoot with you?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8080 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8080 Wed, 13 May 2020 18:37:19 +0000 Amy Anderson Are you using a modifier? Previously we were told to use a 95 modifier. We have been getting a lot of denials because we cannot get a straight answer on POS and modifiers.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8078 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8078 Wed, 13 May 2020 12:30:21 +0000 David Klebonis The reimbursement is NOW the same for telephone E&M as full audio/video E&M.

Below is the updated PBACO bulling guide.


https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8072 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8072 Fri, 01 May 2020 16:28:50 +0000 Brian Chaney All users should receive automatic email notifications when new topics or comments are posted.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8066 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8066 Thu, 30 Apr 2020 15:50:46 +0000 Lori Lane We also have been receiving payment from Medicare for the telemedicine visits – same as reported above.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/experiences/#post-8063 <![CDATA[Reply To: Experiences & Treatments]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/experiences/#post-8063 Thu, 30 Apr 2020 13:45:43 +0000 Lori Lane Curious if anyone has seen any resolved CV19 patients back in the office and if so any specific precautions done or any interesting clinical sequela being seen?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8059 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8059 Sat, 25 Apr 2020 16:52:58 +0000 Rooptaz Sibia Telemedicine visits have been getting paid at the usual Medicare rate with place of service 11
For 99213 approximately 78 dollars total. 63 from Medicare and 15 to patient balance or supplement.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8058 <![CDATA[Reply To: Testing]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8058 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 18:42:48 +0000 David Klebonis Dr. A, can you please share the exact code you’re talking about?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8057 <![CDATA[Reply To: Testing]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8057 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 14:52:42 +0000 Vincent Apicella Has anyone tried billing the Z code for COVID exposure? Is it getting reimbursed?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8056 <![CDATA[Reply To: Testing]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8056 Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:50:05 +0000 Rebeccs Prostko Through quest? What was turnaround time? Cost? Agree with testing office staff.

Which test did you have, Abbott? Reliability sensitivity specificity ok for the procedure?

Also any notion of testing capacity? I have seen reports of a shortage of testing reagents and no excess manufacturing capacity.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8054 <![CDATA[Reply To: Testing]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8054 Thu, 23 Apr 2020 00:35:47 +0000 Vincent Apicella I got my IgG test done today. I recommend a massive testing campaign by all practices to help gather data on those that may be have immunity.

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8053 <![CDATA[Reply To: Testing]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8053 Thu, 23 Apr 2020 00:29:00 +0000 Rebeccs Prostko 6:49 pm: Quest Diagnostics rolls out antibody testing for Covid-19
New Jersey-based Quest Diagnostics announced they are now conducting antibody testing for Covid-19 using blood samples, a practice known as serology testing. Quest Diagnostics can conduct about 70,000 tests per day, and is looking to expand that capacity to 150,000 tests daily by early next month.
The company is using serology testing platforms that were originally developed by Abbott and PerkinElmer’s Euroimmun diagnostics division but independently validated by Quest. Antibody testing has the potential to help healthcare professionals identify people who were infected with, but then developed an immune response, to the novel coronavirus.
Quest Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Jay G. Wohlgemuth said in a statement that antibody testing can also help doctors identify people who could contribute plasma to help treat those who are seriously ill from the coronavirus. 

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8052 <![CDATA[Reply To: Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8052 Wed, 22 Apr 2020 19:01:23 +0000 David Klebonis The recommended verbal consent language for your progress note is: “Patient consents to and initiated virtual care visit and acknowledges co-insurance”

Best practice for consents is to document at least once per year. If you have any questions, please e-mail [email protected].

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8032 <![CDATA[Testing]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/testing/#post-8032 Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:42:35 +0000 Alexis Miron Please contribute to this section your knowledge about COVID-19 testing.

What are your first steps?

Which facilities are nearby?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8040 <![CDATA[Telemedicine]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/telemedicine/#post-8040 Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:37:35 +0000 Alexis Miron Tell us about your experiences or methods with Telemedicine.

What are your tactics on communicating or managing your patients?

What are some frequently asked questions from patients?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/supplies/#post-8037 <![CDATA[Supplies]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/supplies/#post-8037 Wed, 22 Apr 2020 16:34:32 +0000 Alexis Miron Please contribute to this section your must haves when dealing with COVID-19.

What do you always keep around you?

What do you try to have an abundant supply of?

Do you know of vendors that have supplies in stock?

https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/user-registration/#post-8025 <![CDATA[User Registration]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/user-registration/#post-8025 Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:36:31 +0000 Alexis Miron You must be registered to PBACO to be able to contribute or comment on any of our forums.

Please visit https://pbaco.org/register/ and fill out the provided form to continue using this forum.

Users should receive automatic email notifications when new topics or comments are posted.

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Alexis GonzalezAlexis Miron.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Alexis GonzalezAlexis Miron.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Brian ChaneyBrian Chaney.
https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/experiences/#post-7996 <![CDATA[Experiences & Treatments]]> https://pbaco.org/forums/topic/experiences/#post-7996 Wed, 22 Apr 2020 14:01:34 +0000 Brian Chaney Please contribute to this section your direct experiences of the COVID-19 virus.
